The definition of madness

Madness, according to Einstein, is repeating the same experiment again and again, and expecting different results.

I do believe that it may actually be the result of telling someone the same thing again and again, and then deciding that a lobotomy (for them) is the only way to get them to Percussive maintenance often works on electrical equipment. Why shouldn’t it work on people’s heads? Some argue that this desire for “violence” stems from madness. I think they are misguided: it is an active desire to bring order to a world populated by idiots.

People, copying-and-pasting from Wikipedia is plagiarism. It was plagiarism when you copied those words and then pretended they were yours. It is STILL fucking plagiarism, even when you say it is only Wikipedia.

Those thoughts are not yours. Are you so bereft of original thought that you need to take other people’s?

Someone deserves a lobotomy, but, even though I don’t think it is me, the constant thumping of my head against this here desk might offer the same results. On me.

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